Saturday, January 26, 2013

BE, FMG, Process

The vast majority of animations I have done on and on my deviant art page involve actual BE or FMG.  There's a website called Process Productions where they use the term "process" to describe those kinds of things.  "Process" I guess refers to actual growth or transformation.

To be honest, I'm not actually a huge BE or FMG fan.  That may sound a little strange, so let me try to explain .   I am a big boobs fan.  Love em.  Also a huge muscles fan.  So actually what I really like is just seeing a woman who is already huge.  The actual growth is not something I'm all that into.  Doesn't turn me off I guess, but for me the payoff is when the woman reaches her full size.  And actually I'd be happy if she just started out that size to begin with!

I have been operating under the assumption that people like the actual "process" stuff, and that's why I've created BE and FMG comics and animations.  If there are a lot of people like me out there, who actually don't care so much about the process but are just interested in seeing women with extreme proportions from the get go, I'd probably tilt my comics and animations to be like that instead.

If you go to the Process Productions site and read through some of the postings, you'll find that there are some people there who are really quite insistent that animations or comics or drawings involve process... otherwise they just don't like them.

I'm not really in that group as far as what I like.  But I've been assuming that many of the members of my website are like that and I've been making animations and comics accordingly.

There are exceptions.  In the Ms. Muscles comics I really don't do a lot of FMG.  She's huge throughout the whole comic much of the time

And in some of the other series where there are multiple parts, you'll see BE in the first few issues of a comic, but then the girl is at a huge size permanently and stays that way from then on.

Anyway just something intersting to muse about. How many people out there want there to be "process" in the comics / animations  ?

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